My Bucket List:
- Redo my bedroom
- Create a journal COMPLETED
- Start a blog COMPLETED
- Assemble a photo album
- Listen to new music COMPLETED
- Give technology a break
- Look closely at a work of art COMPLETED
- Develop the art of conversation
- Interpret a dream
- Make a gift
- Start a book club
- Sing karaoke
- Establish an excercise routine
- Detox my body
- Plant an herb garden
- Keep a scrapbook
- Take an art class
- Paint my room
- Write a manifesto
- Make my own halloween costume
- Design a t-shift
- Write a letter to my future self
- Create a tasty dessert
- Make and follow a budget
- Open a savings account
- Take care of a houseplant
- Try a new hairstyle
- Get an astrology reading
- Watch the sunrise
- Spend a day in silence
- Meditate
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